About me
I’m Yosuke Ueno, a postdoc researcher (SPDR) at Superconducting Quantum Computing System Research Unit, RIKEN Ceter for Quantum Computing. I’m a visiting researcher at Keio University, the University of Tokyo, and Kyushu University.
Quantum Papers on Computer Architecture Conferences with Japanese short abstractions (As of Oct. 2023)
Research Interest
- Quantum computer architecture
- Quantum error correction
- Cryogenic computing using single flux quantum (SFQ) logic
- [March 4, 2024] Our new paper “SFQ counter-based precomputation for large-scale cryogenic VQE machines” is accepted by the work in progress poster session in the 61st Design Autuomation Conference. [arXiv link]
- [October 4, 2023] Our new paper “Inter-temperature Bandwidth Reduction in Cryogenic QAOA Machines” is accepted by IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. [arXiv link]
- [July 28, 2023] Our perspective paper “Real-Time Decoding for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing: Progress, Challenges and Outlook” is now accepted on Nano Futures! [arXiv link]
- [July 14, 2023] I shared the list of Quantum Papers on Computer Architecture Conferences with Japanese short abstractions.